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Poodles emotional and overall intelligence

20 10:24:21

Considering the Poodle's high intelligence and trainability, why are they not used as sight dogs and for people with disabilities?

One of my prize possessions is a picture of me doing a blind fold walk with a black, standard Poodle as my guide.  As you likely know, Poodles lack the dander that causes most dog allergies.  Many people's disabilities include being allergic to dogs.  Poodles work very well for them and are highly valued in the service dog community.

There are a couple of reasons why you don't see more.  Poodles may have suffered more from poor breeding practices perhaps than any other breed.  This is part of the reason you see some many fewer Shepherds now.  Additionally Poodles suffer from a lack of respect by the less informed parts of the public.  It is a real shame a breed with the same working background as Labs and Goldens is denied it rightful place.  

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Also see  Pilot Dogs is a smaller school, but one of the leaders in using Poodles.