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potty accidents

20 10:27:40

I have a  1 and a half year old spayed female poodle. over the past 6 months
she has been having middle of the night accidents, poop and pee. I cannot
correct her because I'm asleep! She is crated when we do leave the house, but
roams when were at home. I've taken food and water away past 6:00 and that
isn't helping either. I'm afraid if I crate her at night she will keep everyone
up-she is a bit spoiled. HELP!

Hello Penny,
There are a couple of things you can do that will help her.  You didn't say when you feed her every day, but you might want to start feeding her in the morning rather than evening.  If you are free feeding her now, switch to a scheduled feeding instead, and make sure that she doesn't have access to the food from at least 3 hours before you go to bed.  
Try to do something with her in the evening like fetching the ball or a nice long walk to help "things" move a bit easier and make sure that she poos before bedtime.  

You can also teach her to alert you that she needs to go outside.  Hang a bell on your outside door and when you take her outside, have her ring the bell before she goes out.  Do the same in your room so that when she is there during the night, she will ring the bell and let you know that she has to potty.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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