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Speen mass in my poodle

20 10:18:17

Just  found out that my 12 year old poodle has a 4cm spleen mass. Trying to do the best thing for him. Spleen surgery is an option. However if the tumors malignant, he will then need chemo and the tumor is expected to spread rapidly. Not sure how to proceed. The odds are not I. Hiss favor

Hello Marlene,
Sorry I didn't answer this question sooner.  Most questions come to my inbox and to me personally rather than going to the question pool, so I don't check the question pool that often.  
How is your dog doing?  

The reports say that there is 2 kinds of tumors in the Spleen.  The Red Cell type is typically cancerous and happens with the Red Blood Cells.  White cell tumors tend to not be cancerous.  
The big thing to watch out for in Spleen tumors is rupture, because when the spleen ruptures, the dog can bleed out instantly and die.  If the tumor is benign, the tumor can be removed and is pretty sucessful, however if the tumor is malignant, then the spleen needs to be removed.  Dogs can live without their spleen, however it can make them more suseptable to infections.  Keeping your dog on a healthy diet and the below mentioned Pet Tabs will help.  

You might check out this diet for dogs with Cancer.  It helps the body to be able to fight the cancer so that the dog can do better.

You should also look into using NuVet Plus Pet Tabs for your dog.  I'll give you the Video page and you can go from there.

If you are interested in ordering, please use my Distributor number 53330  
I am using the NuVet Plus Tabs with my 14 yr old Std Poodle, who has Congestive Heart Failure and he is doing great on them.  

Give these sites a try and Please feel free to look me up in the Poodles category under Kim Wingate if you have other questions or concerns for me.  I do hope your Boy is still with us and is doing ok.  Sending Prayers for him and your family.