Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > 4 yr old toy poodle

4 yr old toy poodle

20 10:26:59

QUESTION: She seems to have symptoms of pregnancy, but has had symptoms last 2 cycles. licks herself exsessevly and never did before, cries, panting, lump on shoulder with discoloration and hair loss. nesting like crazy.. help please

ANSWER: False pregnancies are very common.  it would make life easier for her and you if you go ahead and have her spayed as soon as it is over and a vet will do it.  There is no good reason to keep keep an intact female unless your are a serious breeder.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So if she has been having 5 a year, loss of interest, barking at me as if she doesn't recognize me, has a definite curvature in her spine getting worse,ALL of her symptoms could be caused by fake pregnancy? my vet says just hormones that she runs more of a risk getting spayed now with her age...

Not all of the what you gave more information on would be part of the false pregnancy.  Perhaps you need to check with another vet if your current one isn't finding a solution to some of the problems.  Most vets would think it is better for a 5 year old to be spayed.  It woud cut out those problems due to the false pregnancy.