Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > Black Patch Appearing on Muzzle

Black Patch Appearing on Muzzle

20 10:27:39

I have an apricot/cream 2yr old toy poodle.  Just recently I noticed a small black patch appearing on his muzzle. It's definitely in the skin/hair.  Can you tell me what could have caused this black patch.

Hello Sherronda,
This could be a skin infection or a place where he got an injury.  Even a minor injury (such as being razor burned when being clipped, or having a hot spot) can cause scarring to the skin which will leave a black patch on the skin.  Sometimes the hair will continue to grow in the color that it is now, but sometimes it will grow in in the color that it started out to be when the dog was a puppy.  It just depends on the severity of the injury.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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