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my poodle was vomiting and now has diarrhea

20 10:23:37

my 4 year old mini poodle has been less and less active. He has been throwing up for 24 hours, and he has diarrhea. he doesn't eat much or drink, he becomes very active during walks but when we come home he just lies down after  like 10 min of playing he gets bored....i am afraid he might have something.And i have no time to take him to the vet until the weekend. please help! :)

Hello Pamela,
You might try giving him Pepto Bismol for his stomach to see if that helps with his diarrhea and vomiting.  For a dog his size, you should use 1 cc per 10 lbs of weight.  If your dog is 35 lbs you would use 3.5-4 cc's.
You can try feed him cooked brown rice (to help with flavor, you might add chicken broth instead of water# and Lamb or Turkey meat for a couple meals instead of his dry food to see if that also helps his stomach because Lamb/Turkey and Rice tends to be easier on a dogs stomach than chicken and corn which is what is in most commercial dry dog foods.
You should also encourage him to drink as much as you can get him to.  Try giving him fresh water, adding ice to his water, or putting a bit of chicken broth in it.  When dogs vomit or have diarrhea, they lose alot of water which could make him become less active.   Also, look at his gums or eye rims.  They should be pink and healthy looking.  If they are white or if his mouth and gums appear dry, this means that he isn't getting enough liquid and could be going into shock.
Take his temperature if you feel comfortable doing so. (on a dog you take it rectally by inserting the thermometer into the rectum until you feel gentle resistance and hold it until it beeps [you will want to use a digital over the old kind of glass ones for your dogs safety]).  A dogs normal temperature is around 101.5 You would want to be concerned if it gets to around 103.5-104  

If your dog continues to Vomit and have Diarrhea in a day or two, you might want to get him to the Vet for a look-at.  

I hope this helps you and your boy some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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