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pain my poodle is experiencing

20 10:38:45

I  have a  6  year  old  male poodle  that  for  the  past  three  days  is  acting  very  strange,  if  I  go  to  pick  him up  he  cries  in  pain,  if  I  rub  him  or  stroke  him  gentle  he  cries  in  a  hurtfull way,  it  is  obvious  that  he  is  in  a  lot  of  pain  for  some  reason.  His  nose  is  cold  and  wet  and  he  is  eating,  sometimes  he will walk  around  as  if  all is  well and  then  he  seems  to  be  very  uncomtfortable  and dont  want  anyone  near  him.  I  have  an  appointment  made  with  my  vet  but  not  able  to  see  her  till Monday, this  is  Friday  and  he  has  been  like  it  for a  few  days  now.  but  as  I  said  earlier,  it  seems  to  pass  and come  and  go,  do  you  have  any  idea....gas?  

I am sorry, I am not a vet and do not claim to be.  This is something I can not help with.  You really need to be asking these questions to a vet.  Get him in immedately.  If your vet wont see him until Monday then find one that will see him sooner.  I would be concerned about cancer, especially at his age.