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poodle picks up his plate

20 10:27:45

I have a rescue 4yr old toy male poodles. At feeding time he waits for my mom to fix his plate,at her feet. After she sets his plate on his spot he walks around the dining
room thru the living room and back around. Walks over to his plate and picks it up and carries it to the dining room,about 3 ft. away . I find this very strange and funny. Do you have any idea why he does this?  Thanks maybe I should video this and send it to Americas funniest Because it is hilarious!!

Hello Diane,
It could be alot of things that is causing your dog to do this, all of which are harmless.  It could be that he just doesn't like eating where MOM wants it, or he could just prefer the dining room to the living room.  Maybe he is used to eating in a dining room from his prior home.  

Whatever the cause, taping it would be a great idea and may make you a buck or two in the process.  

Haa Haa.

If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

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