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my 16 yr old female pappilon

20 10:26:28

she seems to go through month long periods or even longer of constant licking of her underside and back of legs taking all the hair off. it feels hot to the touch and is itching her. ir it female related? milk in very small amounts is present. all my vet ever does is give antibiotics and a few times a hydrocordisone spray which temporarily will relieve it 20% or so but it comes back? i need something to heal it she is too old to be suffering. there was no option for papillons. i love gizmo!

Hello Terry,
You need to make sure that what she is expressing is really milk and not something worse like bacteria or an infection.  It sounds like it could be an infection because her belly is hot and inflammed.  
It could also be allergies, so you might try giving her 1/2 benedryl tablet in the evenings for a couple of weeks.  

If it still won't clear up, you might try switching your Vet.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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