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descended testicle

20 10:26:31

My 1 1/2 year old cockapoo has a descended testicle, the one testicle that he has is very small, Is it normal for him not to go into heat?

Hello Corrie,
Ok, I am confussed here.  You say that your dog has a descended testicle, yet you also mention HIM going into Heat.  Only female dogs have heat cycles.  

Male dogs should have 2 testicles that have descended by the age that your dog is.  When only one testicle descends, you need to get your dog neutered because not neutering can increase his risk for testicular cancer, and if he is bred he can pass on the gene for having one testicle on to his offspring, causing them to have only one testicle also.  

Check this website out for more information about Cryptorchidism:

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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