Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > tiny tea cup poodle house training

tiny tea cup poodle house training

20 10:25:37

QUESTION: My tiny tea cup poodle, age 6 mo., 1lb. 13 oz. poops and wees in crate at night.  She is fine during the day.  Getting up at night does not help.  She gives no signal, no call. During the day I take her out after eating, naps, and three walks a day.  Her crate is reduced and is as small as should be. What to do and how can I get her to give me a signal? Is she too small to make it thorugh the nite?

ANSWER: Hello Chris,
Your dog, while small, should have control of her bladder by now.  One of the best things you can do to help her make it through the night is to make sure she has done her business just before bed.  You can also pull her food and water at night, about 2 hours before she goes to bed.  This will make sure that all the food and water is out of her system during the night and she should be able to go all night without going in her crate.  

Be sure that you clean the crate with a pet approved product so that it doesn't retain the urine smell.  Even though you can't smell it, she might still be able to smell it and will want to go there again.  Use something like diluted bleach water or there is a great product that you can get from Wal-Mart called "Kids N' Pets" that works great on pet smells and stains.  Whatever you use, make sure that it contains enzymes that will "eat" the odors from the surface.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask me.

Thanks for using,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Have already done what you suggested.  She is on three feedings a day to fatten her up.  Should I drop lunch?  Should I for get crate traing and go to something else? HELP!!  THANKS Chris

Hello again Chris,
I would keep her on the 3 feedings a day if you are trying to fatten her up some.  Keep her in her crate and use the potty pads so that they absorb the urine and she doesn't lay in it.  You can also buy pants that girl dogs wear that will catch the urine like a diaper.  They can sometimes help train the dog to hold her potty until she gets outside, because they don't like the urine being that close to them.  
You can find them at:

This is about all I can suggest for now.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.
Talk to you soon,