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Poodle with diarrhea

20 10:25:35

I have a 7 month old poodle and recently she's started having diarrhea. Other than the diarrhea she doesn't seem to be sick. No throwing up, eating and drinking fine, and playing like normal for the most part.

I've been having to take her out every couple hours to go, and when she does it is really runny and dark. It has almost no smell, but I can tell it is staring to make her bottom sore, and it keeps getting on her fur so I have to wash it off which she is getting REALLY tired of. This has been going on for maybe three or four days...

She's always been an extremely finicky eater, and has never wanted to touch any normal dog food. We feed her a mostly grass fed meat diet, which hasn't seemed to be a problem for her.

I'm really wondering what could be wrong with her... Could it be parasites or something like that, and is there any way I can relieve her diarrhea?


Hello Harmony,
You can give your dog either Kao Pectate or Pepto Bismol.  You didn't say how big she is, but if she is a toy you can give 3 cc, if she is miniature size give her 5cc and if she is a standard then give her 7 cc.  

You can put diaper cream on her bottom (as long as she won't lick it off) to help with the redness.  Keep washing it off, using a soft washcloth or baby wet wipe.  

If it is parasites, you won't be able to tell if it is (unless its tapeworm which you can see in the feces), unless you take a stool sample in to your Vet.  
A dog can also be infected with Giardia, which they get from being in water contaminated by this bacteria.  This condition will cause a dog to have diarrhea for several days.  

Here is a diet that you might try with your dog.  It is healthy and has vitamins and minerals that are good for your dogs skin and coat and has a good flavor that might be appealling to your dog.   

1 lb Lamb or Turkey meat (cooked and drain most of the fat off)
1 can Sardines in Olive Oil
1 cup Spinach blended with the oil of the sardines
1 egg scrambled
1 1/2 cup Special K or Total Cereal
1 Apple Blended (or you can use 1/2 cup of Applesauce)
1/8 tsp Garlic powder
1 grated carrot
1/2 cup brown rice, cooked using broth (either a meat or Veggie variety) for better flavor

This recipe is for a large dog, but if you think this is more than you would use in a week, it freezes nicely.  I would give her about what you are feeding her now and see how she does on it.  

I hope this helps your dog some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,