Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > Timid Poodle

Timid Poodle

20 10:41:34

Finnegan is a 6mos old male poodle.  I have 2 issues...first, I don't know if he is a standard or a miniture.  At 6 mos he is 13.5 lbs and 15 inches at the shoulder.  Very lean and VERY long legs. Can you tell by this description what he is?  Second....we got him from a pet store 3 weeks ago.  He had lived there since he was 12 weeks old.  It was a very clean, well managed placed, the puppies lived in "pods", 3-4 puppies to a play pen that was about 5' x 8'. Lots of cuddle, caring from the staff.(Not your usual pet store.) Finnegan gets on fine with other dogs but he doesn't know how to play with toys. We've tried balls, frisbees, stuffed toys, Kongs, tug ropes, rawhide sticks.  Nothing.  He just looks at us and sits down.  He is very afraid of people, cars, doors, cats, noises, and just about everything else. Also he is very mellow, all he really wants to do is sit next to us quietly and/or curl up and sleep.  I worry I am failing him in some way because he doesn't play and is so timid. Any suggestions you have would be so much help.

He sounds like a miniature to me...the weight alone indicates either a miniature or a toy.

I doubt you're failing him at all. Some dogs just don't get into toys. Also, poodles are 'people' dogs. They truly have most of the pack bred out of them.  Additionally, some poodles are just lounge lizards.  Mine are that way. At first, when they come in from outside, they want to play and cuddle, then they pretty much settle down and snooze. Dogs actually sleep about 16-18 hours a day normally.  Poodles are (a little useless trivia) one of the few breeds that have hair instead of fur. They also see in color, unlike other breeds.

I think you're doing fine with Finnegan.  Dogs are like people - they each have their own personality. Mine tend to snuggle closer in storms or when they hear loud noises. I alway stay home on the 4th of July because the kids in the neighborhood seem to persist in shooting off fireworks although it is illegal here........and my dogs are frightened. some of the fear will go away as he grows and gets totally used to life in your home, while others will last a lifetime.  I know I have (and always have had) a fear of heights - it's illogical, but I can't shake it. Again, dogs have their own quirks.

Just love him and he'll be just fine!

Good luck and God bless!
