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Seperation Anxiety

20 10:29:37

My 3 year old toy poodle gets frantic when we leave him alone. If we leave him out, he will scratch up the door frame, carpet... If we crate him, he will urinate in the crate. I know that he can hold it because he never goes in the house, only in the crate when we are gone. He gets so nervous when he knows we are getting ready to leave. He will jump around and whine and then try to hide under the bed. He has not been neutered. Do you have any advice to help him?

I would start with neutering him.  While the problem likely stems from poor early care, before 12 weeks, it could also be genetic, disqualifying him for consideration as breeding stock.  

This isn't a problem with a stock, successful answer.  I have never had the problem, and many reliable sources at best deny the problem happens.  You could try to distract him with a Kong filled with peanut butter and frozen.  I don't like the most successful remedy I have heard of, medications, Rescue Remedy, or something from the vet.