Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > Toy Poodle seems to be going deaf

Toy Poodle seems to be going deaf

20 10:26:39

Our 13 year old toy poodle doesn't respond to us unless we yell loud at her.  Do you think she may be going deaf or do you think she may wax build up.
Thank You,
Mrs. Floyd

Hello Della,
It could be a combo of both.  Get an appointment with your Groomer to have the hair removed from his ears, and have them cleaned.  This might help.  You can also start using signals with him.  Tap your foot on the floor and get him to look at you.  Give him a treat when he looks up at you and he will learn that when he feels you tap the floor, he is to look up at you.  
When he goes outside to potty, flash the light on and off to get his attention.  You can also use a flashlight inside to get her attention.  

Another thing you can do to get a dogs attention that can't hear you is to blow through a straw at them.  When the dog turns his head, give a treat.  You can use handsignals when your dog looks at you.  

Give it a try and see if it helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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