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Clipping Poodles coat

20 10:41:19

I have a Maltease wee dog  similar coat to a poodle. The poodle pallor is getting very expensive to have her trimmed . is this a simple  job  that I could attempt myself.

Any suggestions  on style  or best method?

Regards  JohnS

Hi John,

It isn't something I've been able to master, but there are books on the market. I have a friend who does this for a living and she says "good luck". It took her about 6 months to get it down when she began to apprentice. Also, if an animal is yours, they tend to be less willing to mind (kinda like children).

You might want to ask a few folks you know where they have their dogs groomed. I did that and found a gal who does my dogs for $15 each. She does this out of her home (they breed fox terriers and so it fits nicely with that).  

Also, decent equipment (clippers, clipper oil, etc) is pretty expensive.  It can be done.  It is just more involved than one might think.  

You might want to ask a local groomer what he/she would charge to tutor you.

I wish you luck and wish I could be more definitive. It just isn't something I'd ever attempt.

