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Recurring moles on my poodle

20 10:29:31

My 12 year old poodle continues to get moles on her skin. We have had two sessions with the vet over the last couple of years to have them removed and tested. The test showed benign each time. Within a few weeks of the last surgery to have a couple of dozen removed, more started growing on her. She chews them and scratches them constantly although her bath seems to calm the irritation for a short time. We wiped them with peroxide after her bath today in hopes it might help. I am afraid to have her go under anesthetic again at her age and quite frankly it is extremely costly. The last surgery was over $500.00. What could be the cause and what options are there other than surgery?
Thank you so much for your time.

Hello Rita,
Unfortunally Moles and benign skin tumors are a fairly normal occurance in Poodles.  When you attempt to remove them, they do tend to come back again or more crop up where the ones were removed from.  

One thing that you might try is having them frozen off rather than cut.  This freezing process kills off the cells and keeps them from coming back for a longer period of time.  

You might try putting Benedryl cream on the ones that she seems to be bothered by to see if this helps with the itching.  

I wish I could say more, but there really isn't much you can do about moles.  
I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

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