Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > Joint problem in poodles

Joint problem in poodles

20 10:36:54

My poodle has been limping for 4 weeks, off and on. I have been told he needs a $2,000 operation on his back knee. I have also been told this is a common problem. Please, do you know anything about this subject. He is not in any pain, and acts normal otherwise.
Thanks, Lone  

If your poodle is limping this is a sign that he is INDEED in pain.  This is a painful problem.  Yes patellar luxation is a common and serious genetic problem in toy poodles and sometimes miniature poodles.  It may not always be genetic though.  It can be caused by improper diet, a dog that is over weight, or dogs that are allowed to jump up and down off furniture and other items which is a BIG no no.  Yes the operation is expensive but is usually very sucessful.