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standard poodles sore paw

20 10:21:50

My five year old standard came home from playing and running with a sore right paw. the top of her right paw seems sore and she is limping a little,she does not display any discomfort when I touch it. Rest seems to make it better. Can they pull or sprain this part of the paw. top of the front foot?  What else can I do?

Hello Lisa,
There are ligaments and bone around the toe that can get stretched or bruised and that can cause pain until the body heals itself.  Your dog probaby stressed something and is just a bit sore.  I would limit her running for a few days to give her foot a chance to heal.  You can walk her (and if she feels up to it, even jog with her) to exercise her, but don't let her run or jump until she has rested her foot.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.  

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