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poodle tail docking

20 10:34:15

I have bought a teacup/toy poodle and he is almost 4 months old and weighs 1.9lb and is not neutered.  I have just realized that his tail has been docked perhaps too short. Is there a specific length the tail must be for a toy? What is that length if so? I am afraid that his tail will not support a pompon on the end. Will he be disqualified if it has been docked to short? It is not level to the skull and only measures 1 1/4 inches..... Please Help


I already refused to answer this question once.  Nobody know everything.  In my profile, I don't claim much specific knowledge of poodles.  While I can give good answers to many care and training questions, I don't know about a docked tail.  You might go to  If the information you want isn't there, try some of their links.