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Is my Poodle in heat?

20 10:27:17

My Poodle is 5 months old. Is she too young to be in heat?
She is constantly licking her genitalia. The hair around her vulva has sort of a red tone.  I haven't noticed any discharge but after a bath the hair around her genitalia doesn't look as discolored. I'm not sure if it's from urine, if she's in heat, or something else. I have a vet appointment next month but I'm considering taking her now to rule out an infection.

Thank you.

Hello Kaegan,
It sounds like your dog is "dying" her own fur by licking that area.  Chemicals in the dogs saliva mix with chemicals on the hair which causes that red tinted look on the hair.  Its the same reaction that causes the hair under the eyes, around the mouth and under the rear legs.
Though I have seen dogs come into an early heat around 5-6 months of age, its rare.  The normal time for a dog to come into heat is around 9-11 months.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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