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Male standard poodle - size at maturity

20 10:20:36

We had our male standard poodle puppy neutered at 6 months of age. He just had his first birthday and currently weighs 80 pounds. Will he continue to get taller or heavier? In case it helps you to know, his father weighs 92 lbs.

Also, at what age could we expect him to "settle down" a bit? He has a sweet personality but he is very energetic and doesn't hold still for more than a moment or two.

Hello Lyra,
You can expect your dog to finish growing around 1 yr of age, but he will continue to fill out until he is around 1 1/2 to two years of age.  So if he just had his first birthday, he shouldn't get much taller, but will continue to get his full weight for a few more months.  
As for him being hyper and active, this is normal for a Standard Puppy, but he may grow out of it or at least settle down as he nears 2 yrs old.  I will say though that it isn't uncommon for them to continue acting "Puppy" throughout most of their life.  I have a Blue male that is 3 1/2 and still acts like a puppy.  He can relax and calm down, but he is forever wanting me to throw the toy for him.  
You can help your boy to expend some of his energy by finding things that he likes to do and doing those things with him; such as taking him for a long walk around the block, throwing his favorite toy for him (over and over again), taking him to your local Dog Park for a romp with other hyper dogs, or enrolling him in an Obedience or Agility class.  Our Dog Park has a pond and my boy loves to swim, which burns alot of his energy.  

Give these suggestions a try and have some patience with your boy.  He will settle down eventually.  If I can help you further or if you have other questions, please feel free to ask me.  

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