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Help!!! peeing and pooping in crate 3-5yr old spayed f mini poodle

20 10:32:14

We just adopted a 3ish yr od mini poodle from a rescue organization. They said she was used as a baby machine at a puppy mill. She is now fixed. We have had trouble with her peeing and some pooping in her crate. We were told crate training was the best method. We already had a 5yr old male poodle that is house trained. The crate didn't work with him we just used gates in the kitchen. We tried that the first day with the female and she went everywhere. I feel bad putting one in the crate and not the other because one of our intentions was a companion for Smooch our male while we are at work. She will go outside but in the morning she wont go at all in the wet grass, she likes the driveway. I tried standing outside in the grass with her for 30 minutes one morning and she would not go. So when I took her in I put her in the crate and she pooped. She doesn't like the crate either she goes in circles and side to side while she cries. She is going most of the time outside when we take her and we praise her when she does her "business". Is it possible to leave a dog for 8 hrs without them peeing in their crate. Is it possible to housebreak an older dog that might have never been socialized? Please tell me there is hope because she has a sweet disposition and her and Smooch seem to get along. I just can't take the odor.

Correcting problems later is much tougher than preventing them in the first place.  If she prefers using pavement to wet grass, I would let her.  Bowel movements are easy to clean up off pavement.  Put a plastic bag over your hand, pick it up, then turn the bag inside out and tie it shut and put in the trash.  

The crate will be more difficult.  If she was forced to live in her own filth, it will be hard to teach her to stay clean.  Crates work very well with young puppies that aren't left in them too long.  You might try leaving her out and see what happens.  She may follow Smooch's example.