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poodle skin problem

20 10:20:35

hi..i have a 9 month old poodle..she has developed some hairless patches on her body legs and face and is continously shedding hair..and my 9 yr old daughter has also developed some round red patches on her skin..plz tell me what it is and has my daughter got this from the poodle?

Hello Fariha,
It sounds to me like your dog (and Child) may have a case of Ringworm.  Ringworm is an infection rather than an actual worm that dogs can pick up from the ground or from other infected dogs.  People can also get Ringworm.  You will see small round hairless patches on dog and child.  You should go to your local Vet to get your dog diagnosed and then your child.  The patches could also be allergy related, but check to see if its the Ringworm first.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask me.

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