Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > Dear Kathryn, My name...

Dear Kathryn, My name...

20 10:41:16

Dear Kathryn,
    My name is Tiffany. About a month my Toy poodle got killed. Its been very hard for me. He was my baby. I bought him when he was about 7 weeks old, and had him for 2 years and 5 months. I really would like to get another one. I was wondering if you knew any websites or any suggestions of where to look for one. I got lucky with  my bunni boy i found an ad in the lexington newspaper. The ladys i bought him from were from Ind. I live in  south central kentucky.  But i went to college in Louisville, Ky.  The met me in Louisville. One look at him and i fell in love. If you dont know I'm sorry to bother you , but thank you for your time.

Thank you,
Tiffany Ferrell

I'm so sorry for your loss, Tiffany.  I would suggest a wonderful healing website if you think you would benefit. It is:

As for getting a new "baby" - there are several ways.  I've worked with several rescue organizations and they are wonderful for placing dogs that have been treated unkindly in the past with loving new "parents".  You might want to check:

for that choice. I highly recommend adopting a dog that has been "pre-owned".  So many of them need love and just want to find someone who will love them back.  

Another way to go might be to find a breeder in your area. I am not horribly fond of this method mainly because I've seen the number of dogs already out there that need love - I just am not really excited about someone breeding for profit when there are those still in need.  But, my personal bias aside, you might want to try this:

as a start.

I wish you luck in finding your new companion.

