Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > Choosing a Poodle Puppy based on coat

Choosing a Poodle Puppy based on coat

20 10:21:15

Hi Kim,

I just want to ask a question regarding choosing a poodle puppy from a litter.  Assuming all qualities are the same, is it better to choose a poodle puppy with a longer coat (than his siblings) considering that a poodle puppy will have his coat clipped?  Is coat length (as a puppy) an indication that the poodle will have better coat quality and texture and better overall health?

Thank you very much and happy holidays!

Hello Elmer,
The length of coat on a puppy doesn't necessarily mean that the puppy is healthy or not.  You will want to make sure that the coat is healthy looking (not dry and brittle) and that the skin is also healthy. (not flaky or dry looking)  You won't be able to tell the coat quality and texture until the adult hair comes in, when the puppy is around 9-11 months old.  Instead, look at the parents.  If they have fairly good quality hair, then the puppies should also.
If you are going to cut the hair short, its best to do it earlier than when the puppy is older.  As the puppy ages, the adult coat will start to grow in, up and through the puppy coat.  If you aren't diligent about brushing and caring for the coat during this stage, the puppy hair will mat on a large scale.  Shaving early will help keep this to a minimum.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask me.  

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