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Poodle peaches - wet my trousers!!

20 10:21:48


I have an 8 year old apricot toy poodle bitch.  Last night she was sitting on my knee and I was rubbing her tummy and back.  When she went back down onto the floor I felt dampness on my trousers.  I checked her out and her tail was all damp, there was no smell and she went out for a wee very soon after.  I didnt realise after but my husband let her lie on one of my cushions after and when she got up it was wet from the previous incident with me but I noticed the cushion stain although there was not smell.

Can you tell me what you think this might be as I figured that if she had wet on me she wouldnt have gone to the toilet just after so I wondered if there was maybe some kind of issue here.

Susan (Glasgow, Scotland)

Hello Susan,
It could have been a couple of things.  She could have sat in something that got her wet before you started petting her, or it could have been a full bladder and she just leaked a little.  
Especially if she has been drinking alot of water, her urine wouldn't have much of a smell.  With her being relaxed on your lap, she could have just let a little urine excape and didn't realize it.  

Keep watching her just to see if this happens again because if it is something that happens more frequently than this one incendent, it could be a weak urine muscle causing wetting accidents.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask me.

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