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My poodle skin

20 10:32:42

I have a female toy poddle who is 11 months and lately I have been noticing that her color skin is changing into a purpleish color. She wasnt like that before her skin use to be pinkish. I dont know if this is normal. I'm honestly concerned and dont know how can I get her skin to go back to normal. This new purpleish skin is everywhere her stomach, part of her head and in most part of her body. Please help I want her skin to go back to the way it was.

Hello Melody,
Your poodles skin color could be due to a couple of things.  It could be due to the fact that she is an adult Poodle now and is getting ready to get her adult hair in soon.  You didn't tell me what color your Poodle is (I am assuming she is a light color), but if she is a dilute color such as Apricot or Cream, or if she is White but had a parent that was Black then that could also cause her skin to turn dark.  This doesn't mean that her hair color will be different in those areas that she has the purple skin colors. It just means that she had either some dilute colors in her background, or that she had a father or mother that was black or dark colored.  
I see patchy skin colors in light colored dogs frequently in my grooming practice.  The dogs stay light colored, but have the darker patches on their skin.  I don't know that there is anything that causes it (it has to do with the amount of pigment in the skin), I do know that it won't cause color problems with your dog.  

If you are really concerned, you can have your Vet do a skin scraping in the dark colored patches on your dogs skin to see if there is anything wrong, but he will most likely tell you the same thing.    

I hope this has helped you some. If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

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