Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > skin turing reddish

skin turing reddish

20 10:29:13

my poodles skin where he had a hot spot starting turning a reddish color but he acted fine now im a day its all over his hind quarters and is purpleish red and he is peeing blood and looks like he is drunk.  any ides?

Hello Gabrielle,
Since I can't look your dog over, I am not going to be able to tell you what is going on with him.
The red skin sounds as if it could be an infection or soreness starting up, but I can't be sure if it has migrated all over his back end.  If he is peeing blood and acting like he is drunk, those could be signs of seizure activity.  
You may want to take him to a Vet to see what is wrong with him.

I am sorry that I can't be of more help in this case, but without seeing your dog, all I can do is give an opinion and refer you to your Vet.

Thanks for using and if you have other questions please ask me.