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poodle / miniture schnauzer mix puppy teeth

20 10:32:34

when do poodle mix pups loose their back teeth?

Hello Gina,
Most puppies loose their puppy teeth around 6-9 months of age, depending on the individual dog.  It varies from dog to dog, just like in children.  Sometimes it may take a little longer and the adult teeth may have to start coming in to push the baby teeth out.  With my most recent puppy, I had to help pull some of his baby teeth because they were not coming out before the adult teeth came in.  If you notice that his adult teeth are trying to come in and his puppy teeth haven't come out yet, you might contact your Vet to see if he can remove the puppy teeth for you.  You can try to help pull the puppy teeth yourself, but sometimes they are in the mouth really solid and you need the help of the Vet to get them out.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

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