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20 10:26:25

QUESTION: i have a toy poodle and i have problem training him to go to i decided to train him on a wee wee pad now...and
what should i do so that he can go on a wee wee pad???pls help
me..he is 9 months old now

ANSWER: Hello Tracy,
The first thing you need to do is estabolish a place where you want to put the pads.  Keep them there so your dog knows where they will be when he needs to potty.  Next, if he has an accident, clean it up with napkins or paper towels, and put them on the potty pad where you want your dog to go.  If you have something like a pen that you can put around the pad, this would be advised, but if not then set your dog on the pad and see if he will go.  
He should want to go on the pad because his potty scent is on them already.  

When you catch him sniffing around like he has to potty, tell him "Go Potty On your Pad" and take him to his pad to potty.  Praise him and give him a treat when he goes.  
Get him on a schedule of going out when you wake up, after he eats, after he plays, when he gets up from a nap and just before bed.  

Also, you need to make sure that you clean any messes up with a Pet approved product.  Wal-Mart has a product called "Kids N' Pets" that works great on most kinds of messes.  The product uses live enzymes that will "eat" the odor out of the floor so that the dog won't be able to smell the mess, therefore won't return to potty there again.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: how do i remove the stains around the eyes and also the legs? i've tried many many ways by buying products but it still doesn't work for him so what should i do?

Hello Again Tracy,
Those stains are due to chemicals in your dogs saliva or tears mixing with chemicals in the hair.  When combined, they produce that red dye that stains the faces of many a Poodle.  
You can cut the hair away, dye it, or try to use products that are suppose to remove the stains, to no use.  The stains will just come back unless you find out what is causing your dog to lick himself or why his eyes are running.  
Common causes for the eyes running are too much hair around the eyes that irritates the lens of the eye, causing the eye to run.  It could also be eye problems such as ingrown hairs around the eyes or debris in the eye.  It could also be Allergies to a large number of things.  Dogs can be allergic to the same things people are, though they don't have the same reactions.  Dogs tend to have runny eyes, itchy skin where they scratch and bite sores on their body, and they will sometimes sneeze or have a runny nose but its less noticable than in humans.  
If you suppect allergies, you can give your dog a 1/2 tablet of Benedryl to help.  Give the tablet in the evening because it can make your dog sleepy.  Keep your dog on it for at least 2 weeks so that it can get into the dogs system.  Then see if you can notice a difference.  

You might try giving this diet to your dog along with his regular food.  It has nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are healthy for your dog.  

1 lb Hamburger, Lamb, Chicken or Turkey Burger
1 can Sardines in Olive Oil
1 cup Spinach, blended with the Oil of the Sardines
1 egg scrambled
1 1/2 cup Special K or Total Cereal
1 Apple Blended (or you can use 1/2 cup of Applesauce)
1/8 tsp Garlic powder
1 grated carrot
1/2 cup brown rice, cooked using broth (either a meat or Veggie variety) for better flavor
1/2 cup Cottage Cheese (optional)

This recipe is for a large dog, so you can either 1/2 it or mix it up and freeze a portion of it for later.  I would add a couple of tablespoons of this mix to his food every meal.  It will help with his itching and licking.  

Feel free to ask me anything, and I will help you if I can.