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constipation - multipoo

20 10:21:28

I have a healthy 6 year old Multipoo who seems to be having stomach spasms.   
The pain is coming and going.  If she moves a certain way, she cries, and
when she is in pain, she only sits and shakes.   It will seem to be gone, as she
runs and then, comes back in full force and we get worried.   IT's been going
on for 2 days now.    She only eats her dog food (lamb and chicken mix) but,
she did get into about 1/4 cup of cooked ground beef 3 days ago.   Poop is
hard, then diarrhea and some vomiting.    Also, I gave her a dog pain pill two
nights in a row.  Maybe that made it worse??  Thanks for your help.


Hello Karen,
Your dog could be constipated, or it could be that her anal glands are full and are causing pain.  You might take her to her groomer or Vet to see if they can express the glands and see if that relieves her discomfort.  
A dog has anal glands on either side of her anus and they can sometimes get full and blocked up.  Usually a Groomer will empty them at the time of grooming, but some don't know how and will instead refer the owner to a Vet.  
You didn't mention if she was scooting her rear on the floor or not, but this can also be a sign of full anal glands.

When you feed her her normal dog food, you can give her a tsp of Oil on her food to help her move the stool through easier.  You can use Canola Oil or Olive Oil, but what dogs tend to like best is one or two sardines packed in Olive Oil.  Just give them in her food or one or two of them a week.  Not only will they help her move her bowels, but will help her skin and coat at the same time.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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