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can my poodle get a hair cut when shes pregnant

20 10:28:05

I was wondering my poodle is about a month pregnant and i was wondering if it was okay for her to get her haircut.?

Hello Monica,
Sure it is, as long as its not too stressful of a process.  Actually its best to clip her short around her valva, and around her nipples so that the puppies have a better access to them.  You might also want to shave her tail (or at least wrap it up with something like Vet Wrap) to keep it from getting matted up with goo as the puppies are being born.  

A bath before the babies come would be beneficial to her as well so that her vaginal area is clean and free of bacteria.  

To help you have a better idea of when the puppies are coming, start taking her temp around 50th day or so.  Take it every morning and evening until the puppies come.  A dogs normal temp runs around 101.5 but as labor nears, it will drop to around 98.0  When this happens, puppies will come within 24 hours or so.

If you have other birthing questions or questions in general, please feel free to ask.

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