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buying a puppy

20 10:22:15

I am about to buy a poodle puppy. Hopefully a standard bitch with intention to breed, show, and do agility classes at some stage. What do I need to look out for when I go to see the puupies. We have always had mongrels so I don't know much about ideal confirmation etc. Also how do I know if I will be able to breed from the puppy, how old do they have to be to be tested for hereditary diseases etc? One more, my 11yr old daughter has her heart set on a standard but would a mini suit her better, she has been handling a fox hound labrador cross that is very laid back?

Hello There,
Sorry it took so long to get back to you.  This is my County Fair week and I am very busy.  

When looking for a good puppy, you want a puppy with a good attitude first.  Go for that puppy that comes right up to you and isn't shy.  You also want a puppy that moves nice.  Watch it trot around and just make sure its balanced in the front and back.  You also want a puppy that looks correctly proportioned from her head to tail.  Get that puppy that looks very well put together.  
As for breeding, if you are going to show this puppy, you should wait until she is finished to breed her.  Most dogs should wait until at least 2 yrs old before breeding them.
Breeding a Show dog really messes with their coat and growing the coat back to show quality can take a year or more.  
If the family is set on a Standard Poodle, go for it.  Most Standard Poodles are no more hyper than the miniatures can be and from my expirence tend to be more laid back than the Miniatures.  
The best time to test a puppy for genetic/hereditary diseases is around 6-9 months or so.  

I hope this helps you some, and again, sorry for the delayed response.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

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