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Red Jack... my poo

20 10:24:48


Copper Jackson Red Sta
I have wanted to show you an updated pic of jackson... he is truly doing much better than when we first got him....My boy is learning to let me clip his face... or should I say I AM LEARNING... I have got to make or purchase a grooming table. What size is best for doing a Standard. And what size grooming arm?
Heeeere's Jack... he is so handsome! Our gentle giant...
He has started to not come when I call him.. like he is too busy. But when my husband calls... he is THERE! And yet he still will not let Don put a leash on him... weird! Guess at 2 1/2 he is a rebellious teen and knows mom is a softie!

Hey Patty and Jack,
Good to hear that he is doing better and he still looks great in his picture.  A table that is about 3-4 ft high works great.  I don't tend to use a grooming arm because if the dog jumps off the table, it can be dangerous, but if you get one, they make them that are adjustable and they work best.  

When you call Jack to you, offer a treat when he comes.  Instead of saying "Jack, Come Here", say "Jack, Cookies or Treats" and give him something when he comes.  That way, he can come and get a treat, or he can decide not to come to you, but you go and get him and he gets nothing.  
You are right about knowing mom is a Softie.  He knows that he doesn't have to listen to you because you will let him get by with not doing what you ask.  He also knows that your husband WON'T let him get by with it.  You just have to let him know that he DOES have to listen to you also, but that when he does, you will give him attention that he wants.

Have Don practice putting the leash on when he is playing or petting Jack, not to take him somewhere.  Make it fun, such as putting the leash on him then throwing a toy for him.  Or have him sit, put the leash on him take it back off and then give him a treat.  
See if he will tolerate this better.  

Give it a try and if you have other questions, you know where to find me.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Crew.