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poodle behavior

20 10:22:42

My 1 year old miniture poodle growls when being corrected  why?
He also is pooping in the house now, how can i recorrect this problem?

Hello Jennifer,
Your dog is trying to tell you that he thinks he is boss and if he can scare you by growling at you, then he has won.  You need to really get on to him when he does this.  Hold his head down and make him submit to you.  If he tries to bite you, you can't let him know that it bothers you.  You need to make him lay on his side until he will lay still.  

By pooping in the house, he is letting you know that he thinks this is his house and he can go where he wants.  
When you pick up the mess, get mad at it and tell it NO!  You can also show him the spot where he went and tell him NO!.  If he is going at a certian time, you can let him out a bit eariler than when he needs to Poo and maybe he will go early.  
If he isn't consistant with his going time, you will have to watch him to see signs that he is going to go and let him out before he goes inside.  
If he doesn't go when you let him out, bring him inside and put him in a crate, then take him outside again in about 5 min.  

Give this a try and if you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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