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runny eyes

20 10:26:56

I have had two litters of maltipoos.  Both litters, at least one pup suffered from runny eyes and constipation.  We lost one pup because of constipation in our first litter :(  I finally have more information on that and have seem to worked that problem out... However, what do I do about runny eyes? I know this pup gets this from the mom who is Maltese.  The vet we use never really told us a solution for the momma dog. The momma dog seemed to outgrow the problem for the most part.  I am selling this pup and would like to send information to the new owner about runny eyes.. Can you recommend anything I can do for the pup?

Hello Misti,
Some puppies will outgrow the runny eyes, some won't.  It depends on what is causing the runny eyes.  Allergies can cause runny eyes, exposure to yard chemicals or pollutants can cause it as can ingrown hairs around the eyes.  
Treatments include clipping the hair close around the eyes, or you can buy eye products to help "wash" the stain from around the eyes.

What causes the stains in the first place is the fact that the dogs tears mix with chemicals in the dogs fur.  When this chemical reaction takes place, the stain is the result.  It actually stains the coat, and its hard to remove.  
You might try giving the mother a 1/2 tablet of Benedryl for a week or so to see if its allergy related.  If it works with the mother, then the puppies may also have allergy related runny eyes.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,