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Poodle Ear Infection?

20 10:28:04

I have a 3 year old minature poodle. He is very healthy but has had two issues. Since he was about a year old, he has had tear staining issues. For the last 6 months I have used a product called "Ark Naturals Eyes So Bright" every evening it has cleared up his staining, which I was told was from yeast. About four months ago, I was surprised to see that one ear developed a brown residue inside that itches him and makes him shake his head. The groomer told me to clean it out with a QTip and that it was also a yeast infection. Due to my success with the eys, I purchased "Ark Naturals Ears All Right", and started using it twice daily. The groomer suggested that I not pour it directly in the ear because it would case the junk insde to build up, so I only clean it with a QTip. I have faithfully cleaned his ears twice daily and take him to the groomer every three weeks so his ears are kept plucked, but I can't get rid of the yuck in his ears! Two months ago the groomer suggested I use an antifungal cream and put in his ear with a QTip and Neosporin for pain from scratching and wiping the ear. Still... with all three products used 2x daily - he still has this issue. I feel terrible becuase he seems to be in pain when I clean his ear and he shakes his head and itches afterward. Some days it seems to not bother him at all, but some days he seems very sensitive and doesn't want his ear to be touched. he only has this problem in one ear and it has always been the same one. I have put him on a raw diet (Nature's Raw Variety) with no wheat. His treats are pure chicken or liver. Occasionally he eats Canidae canned food or a little high end dry food (but rarely). I appreciate any advice you could give me. Thank you!

Hello MJ,
Your dogs ear problem could be something worse than a yeast infection.  Your best bet would be to go to your Vet and see if they will give you some Otomax or Metamamax (sp).  They are for more severe ear infections.  The Otomax works better for my dogs (I have a dog that has reoccuring ear infections) but you have to use it 2x a day.  
I would use a Triple anti-botic in his ears if they get red or inflammed.  I know from expirence how red and sore the ear can get when you are wiping it out 2x a day for around 10 days or so.  I use the kind with a pain reliever to help if his ears are sore.  
As to his runny eyes, dogs can have allergies to things just like people.  When my dogs get runny eyes, I give them a Benedryl tablet (you would give your dog a 1/2 tablet) to help them.  Feel free to try it for a couple of weeks to see if it helps your dog.  

Here is a dog food recipe that I use with my boys and they just love it.  It is healthy, has vitamins and minerals and can be combined with a dry kibble or fed as a meal.
1 lb Hamburger, Lamb, or Turkey Burger
1 can Sardines in Olive Oil
1 cup Spinach, blended with the Oil of the Sardines
1 egg scrambled
1 Apple Blended (or you can use 1/2 cup of Applesauce)
1/8 tsp Garlic powder
1 grated carrot
1/2 cup brown rice, cooked using broth (either a meat or Veggie variety) for better flavor
1/2 cup Cottage Cheese (optional)

This recipe is for a large dog, so feel free to half it if nesessary.  You can keep it in a sealed container for about a week.  

Feel free to contact me about if you have other questions or comments.  

Thanks for using,