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I have a female poodle, shes...

20 10:41:50

I have a female poodle, she's 12 years old, lately she's been nervous or scare her left foot trembles and she keeps following me where ever I go.

                    Thank You

If your Poodle is a Standard Poodle, 12 years old is old for the larger dogs.  She could be having a problem with her left foot or leg.  Look it over carefully and move it around and see if any one spot seems to hurt her when you move it.  If you find some sort of minor injury, maybe she will be OK when it has a chance to heal.  It could be arthritis or something too.

Loss of sight or hearing can happen at that age too.  Does she respond to sounds behind her?  Wave you hand in front of her face and see if her eyes track it.  To make sure, hold a ball or treat.  If she is loosing her sight or hearing, she could be confused and frightened, and want to be close to you.  Dogs cope with that perhaps even better than their owners.  If you decide that is the problem, try to remember it and help her if you can.  

Your vet knows more about these things than I do.  It might not hurt to have him check her.  He might even be able to prescribe something to help.