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Husky interacting with a new puppy

20 9:13:01

I have a 9 yr. old Siberian Husky who, true to the breed, has been quite a predator over the years.  My parents just got a new puppy (she's only 9 lbs.) and we are afraid my husky will think she's a critter.  We have let my husky smell the puppy while one of us is holding the puppy.  We are afraid to let my husky see the puppy either outside or on the floor for fear that she'll think she's prey.  What is the best way to handle this situation?  

Actually, female Siberians (and actually usually males) often are great friends with puppies.  They usually understand "small dog" versus lunch - as the body language is familiar.  In fact, body language is often one of the biggest problems with inter-species interaction, as a cat's body language is severely different from that of a dog, and the signals get mixed.

My advice, have the older dog controlled (on lead and collar) and let them meet on dog level.  Watch the interactions, and be careful (removing the puppy at signs of agression), but my guess is that you should be fine.  Keep visits short and controlled until you trust the 9 yr old, and even then, keep them supervised as Sibes are known for rough play and might accidentally hurt the dog.  If you see signs of agression from your older Sibe, correct it and try to make sure she understands that the dog is part of her "pack".  Once again though, Sibes usually understand small dogs as dogs, and puppies get some extra freedom even there.

Good luck and feel free to write back.