Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > 2 to 2.5 yr old Husky wont stop peeing inside house

2 to 2.5 yr old Husky wont stop peeing inside house

20 9:12:28

QUESTION: My parents have a husky that they "rescued" of sorts. They have finally gotten her back to a healthy weight and really lover her. The problem is she wont stop peeing and pooing in the house while they are at work. They have put in a dog door so she can come and go as she pleases - hoping this will help the situation. She will use the dog door and has  on occasion, but not consistent - gone outside to do her business. Thats rare though, my father walks her and takes her out and nothing. Then he will wake up at 5am and there it is. She has escaped twice so they dont like to leave her outside, but if they lock her up even for 2hr dinner out they will find poop and pee. They are going to install the 6ft fence but dont want to bother if she is still going to poop and pee in the house.  What can they do they are at the end of their rope? I don't think she doesn't when they are home but she just doesn't seem to understand that outside is for pooping

ANSWER: This dog is in a rut and for some reason thinks this is okay. Though in some cases I know dogs also do this to punish the owners for leaving them. I will suggest that you kennel her up when you are gone. To change her routine will possible break her of this habit. -Michelle B ^^

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I was told that she turns into an absolute nut job when crated, i will give this a try and let you know what happens. Thanks - Jason

The reason she turns into a nut job would probably be from Separation anxiety. To get through that she will need leadership excesses such as a proper walk (at heel) and using her food as a tool to set your position strait in her mind (i.e. ask her to sit before allowing her to have her food.)
Another reason is that she was traumatized in a kennel or put into one as a punishment so she views the kennel as a bad place. To get her over that hump you will need to have them turn the kennel into a haven, her "den". Only give her chews if she is in her kennel, put her bed inside of it. Only let her have toys when she is in there. Tell her how pretty she is in her kennel. Do not actually shut her in there till she is comfortable inside the kennel you could, while she is getting used to the kennel close the door but not latch it till she gets used to the idea it closes but she is okay and unhurt. -Michelle B ^^