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Mouthing and Jumping Husky

20 9:11:38

I really hope you can help. My problem is that I have 9 mouthing and jumping. First the mouthing: when she does this I always say no in a loud voice and pull my hand away. The problem is that the loud no doesn't seem to effect her. She is startled at first them she comes after my hand again. To her it seems is all a big game. It really become a problem when she is really excited and in her, what we call, "crazy dog" state of mind. That is when she barks and runs in circles, back and fourth and running through the house. She is super excited and in this state of mind she mouths harder. She has never broken the skin, she does seem to realize how hard is to hard most of the time. How do I get this constant mouthing to stop?

Jumping is the second part of my question. Again this is something she does a lot. I have tried saying no and turning my back to her. She just puts her nose up my but or circles around to jump on me. If I push her off, it seem like she thinks that play time has begun and again I have a hard time getting to stay down. We have a water bottle that used to work until she figured out that she likes water and like to try and catch the stream when we stray it at her. I sure could use your help. I have watched the "Dog Whisper" to much and his techniques does seem to work for me. Especially the walk at your side. I'd like to see him do it a husky. That would really impress me. Anyway, any advise would be hopefully or maybe we just need to get her enrolled in some sort of training classes but what type. Basic or obedience?

When you say "no" when she is nipping. Do not pull your hand back just leave it where it is. Moving it quicly away excites a chasing prey type instenct. When she jumps on you have you ever tryed stepping into her and owning your space? She seems to thrive on backing away and moving around. Something else you can try when she is jumping is standing compleatly still till she calms down, do not pet her move or say anything, turn into a statue.
I think an obediance class will be a great idea.
-Michelle B