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Food for Our Huskies

20 9:11:38

We have four Huskies at home, 2 about a year old, and 2 about 3 months old.  
We've been using Canidae or Prarie dry food, but it runs about $40 for a 40
lb. bag.  I'd been advised by someone who breeds Huskies that they use
Diamond dogfood, also sold in Costco as the Kirkland brand.  Ingredients and
food content look very good, and the cost is less than half.  Any thoughts or
experience?  I know that Diamond was involved in the dreadful recall, but
only their canned food was affected.

I do not know to much about diamand, I will have to go look at it. I did ask my Vet about it at one point and he told me to stay away from it. I will give it a look over next time I am out getting my dogs their Canidae (I love this brand only have seen good things from it.) The Dimond food is sitting right next to it.
-Michelle B