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husky is regurgitating

20 9:11:37

Hi. My sibe Kane is 5 1/2 and sometimes when he is excited he vomits bile. It doesnt happen very often and he is in perfect health otherwise. He eats only raw chicken and meat and vegies, twice a day with the occasional serving of dog biscuits. He weighs 23 kilos. Could it be his diet or has he just got a nervous stomach?  Could you also suggest a diet. Kane and I appreciate your response.

Vomiting bile is very common in dogs, although not all dogs do it.  Causes include:

1) Excitement
2) Lack of food
3) Too much fat in the food
4) Having eaten grass

A raw diet is usually a good thing, but you may want to add a small supplement of some premium kibble.  Sometimes just having some grains (which are fairly indigestible) can just help settle the stomach.  I would suggest that and see how it goes, but don't worry about it too much - it is a rather common dog trait.