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looking to adopt a husky mix-age unknown

20 9:16:21

My jusband and son went to the local animal shelter ( we have begun our search for an additional family member). It seems they both fell in love with what appears to be a husky mix of medium size. Quiet demeanor. I will be checking her out tomorrow. They do not know her age, or what her "mix is". My concern: We live in SW Florida (where it is quite hot) and have a 9 year old son who is hopeing for a "best friend". I don't want to get into something that is not right for the dog or us. What can you tell me about the husky part of the mix? If you want to see her you can see a post at
Any information you can provide would be helpful. Linda

Hi Linda,
Huskies can live in Florida just fine.  Even thought they have a thick coat that thick cold also helps to keep them cool in warm weather.  Just provide a cool environment for the dog and lots of water.  Do not leave him out all day long in on extremely hot days.  I have no idea what mix the dog is other than husky, so I do not know what I can tell you about how well the dog will behave.  It all depends on the mix of the husky to say if it will be a great dog.  What I can tell you on the husky part is that they are non-aggressive, but require a lot of attention.  They are also love to roam or run away every chance they get.  Therefore, if you are considering this breed you must have a fence yard or a chain that will support the dog.  I suggest a stake that is heavy and can be put deep in the ground.  The chain must be heavy with a heavy-duty wire and clip.  When you go look at the dog, see if you can find any background information on the dog.  For example if the dog was abused, neglected, etc.  They might not have any of this information if the dog was a stray.  If the dog looks like it has low body weight then it might have been neglected.  Both my huskies have been very good with my 15-month-old son.  Therefore, I do not think your son will have a problem being "best friends" with the dog.  If you have anymore question please ask.

Thank you