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Husky marking territory

20 9:16:54

I wrote to ask about my male Siberian Husky peeing.  Well, it's not like he really is peeing, he's just spraying a few areas in the kitchen, living room, and bathroom.  And it's on the wall, basically right on the base boards.  Most of the time he's really good.  Because he goes to the bathroom outside.  We have a doggy door so he knows how to use it to go to the bathroom.  He hasn't really gone to the bathroom in the house since he was a little puppy.  So there isn't really anything I could put on the carpets to help with the smell.  I was thinking of having them cleaned professionally, is it worth it to do?  I'm really scared to get him fixed because of what you said about your dog getting really, I just don't want that to happen to my dog.  So is there nothing I can do then?  Would it be better to get the female fixed instead of the male?  Thank you Tracy Garnto  

Dear Tracy,
One of the best things you could use to help with the smell is bicarb of soda, or non imitation vanilla essence in a little water, that gets rid of odour really well. Perhaps when you do desex your girl you may find your boy doing this less. Still he will probably do it always occasionally, mine still do every now and then.
I hope this helps.
Faye and Husky Crew.