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My 6 month old husky wont eat

20 9:08:03

Hi Michelle,

My husky wont eat. He's 6 months old. He used to eat 2-3 times in a day but now he only eats ones a day sometimes not at all. I give him dog food, only a cup full with a tablespoon of cooked meat. He doesnt seem weak though cause when I take him out for a walk, he practically runs around the village. But Im just worried about his eating habbit. I heard huskies can go on days without eating but is it this normal? Or is there anything else I can try to get him eating again? He weighs 19kilos by the way. Any suggestions can help alot, thanks!

It is actually very normal. You can't make them eat when they are like this. If you are really worried about him (you did say he was healthy and acting normally) you can take him in to see if he anal glands need to be popped. That usually makes one of my dad's dogs slow down.

 A friend of mine feeds hers a teaspoon of yogurt on top of her dogs food. That makes him eat.

any more questions please ask!
-Michelle B