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Husky Color

20 9:09:24


Hi I have a beautiful 6 months old husky boy named Orion; when I first got him as a 6 week old puppy he was very light in color, but now he has gotten a drastically darker coloration. I cannot determine if his color is wolf-gray or some other color, so I attached a picture so you can see for yourself. Do the color of huskies usually get darker with age or does it differ from individuals? Thanks.

They definitely can and do change over time and it is to be expected.  Tough to tell from the picture, but I think Wolf Gray might be in the right ballpark.  If you are interested in learning a little more about it, I would suggest a stop by  The site has a list of colors, pictures and even some genetic information.

Also, you will often see signifcant changes in the eye color and mask design as they Sibe ages.