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Tips on house training

20 9:08:00

Hi I have a 4 month old huksy, Blaze. I got him at 3.5months old.  Its been awhile since I've had a puppy and the dogs I hav had have been females.
When I take Blaze outside he knows to go to the bathroom, but if he has to go while he is inside he just goes.  I started keeping him on a leash inside so he is always with me and this method seems to work, as long as he's on the leash inside he doesnt pee. I know all dogs are different so its hard to predict when he will catch on, but am I doing the right thing, or do you have any other tips?  Also wondering how long I can expect him to hold it over night, right now he can hold it 5 hrs before having an accident, Im getting tired from lack of sleep, and Im wondering when he'll be able to hold it longer.  I do keep him in a kennel overnight and when im out. I know he doesnt like to pee in there, because when Ive tried to sleep an extra hr,and he's had an accident he is howling and upset.
I'd appreciate any help, Thanks

You are doing really good! I normally suggest the leash idea but you have already started it. With the leash you can also give him a 15 min free time (supervised in a contained area) then he goes back on the leash. if he successfully makes it a week without accidents he earns 5 - 10 mins more free time each week. If he has an accident shorten the free time by 5 mins.

 The way you figure out how long he can hold it is take his age in month and add 1 so him holding it 5 hours is perfect for a boy about to be 4 months old. So when he is 5 months he should be able to go 6 hours... but I would week give yourself 15 more mins so in 4 weeks it will be that other hour, and just like the freedom you give him on the leash, if he has an accident cut back 10 mins or so to try and set him up for success.
 Also like potty training a child, limit his amount of water (or cut him off if it isn't hot) an hour and a half before be time. (What goes in must go out!)

 Also don't mix signals, if he potties off leash, do not take him immedeatly outside unless you catch him before he is done. If he is done going potty this only makes him think potty on floor= outside. This is a pain when they get in that mind set because they start to pee on the floor even when they want to go out and play.....

 I would like to applaud you for all the hard work you have put in. It is like having a new born baby.... you don't get the sleep you want, but once they get older and know how the system works it is worth the effort, hang in there!

ANy more Q's please ask!
-Michelle Bigelow