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Husky with weight gain

20 9:08:01

Hi. We recently rescued a female Husky that is 9-10 years old. She weighed 55 pounds when we got her in May, and 7 months later now weighs 64 pounds. We live in Michigan, our winter has been very cold and she spends a lot of time outdoors (she has a dog house). We have not changed how much food she gets, or her exercise routine by much. Is this weight gain in the winter normal for a Husky? Our other male Husky doesn't put on weight in the winter. Only fur:) Thanks!

Some of mine do and some of mine don't she probably does. I know it is mostly my girls that do that and slim out again in a month or so after the cold weather hits (I also exercise them more to help them get it off in a healthy way) If it doesn't seem to go away switch her to diet food, or cut the amount of food by just a little bit. It isn't healthy for her to gain to much at her age, and it is certainly harder (depending on the dog because they are all individuals) to get it off.